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Computer Networks And Distributed Applications

Material for MkDocs

This site provides documentation and resources for students participating in INFO 314: "Computer Networks And Distributed Applications". 1

If you notice a problem with the content presented here, please file an issue on the GitHub project repository.

Course Site vs. Canvas

Class documentation and troubleshooting will be slowly added to this course website in order to better support students with their assignments.

If you are looking for the class schedule, information on what to read for the next class, and information on assignments, their due dates 📆, and their deliverables, please visit the course Canvas page @ INFO 314 Canvas Homepage

Asking for Help

If you ever need help with an assignment, please refer to this page to know where to ask: Contact Us

  1. Curious on how to develop something similar to this? Follow instructions on how to setup your own MkDocs here

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